Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Hack on Social Security

From Paul Hackett's website:
Social Security is a promise made by our elected officials to us, the citizens of the United States. I don’t break my promises and I expect the same from my government. Social Security is not broken but it can be improved and secured.
Social Security is not a is a tax for the purpose of the redistribution of wealth from the young to the old. And it can't even do that right. Social Security IS broken as the "promise" made by government to those paying in to the system right now can not be filled. I agree that Social Security can be improved and secured (if it isn't broken, why does it need to be secured?)...but increasing the tax isn't the answer.
The Social Security pool is NOT a slush fund. When our money is put into the Social Security system every paycheck needs to stay there and be used only for the social Security System. Treat it like the Christmas savings account; don’t pull it out “throughout the year” to pay for entertainment. That is a simple solution.
Repeat after me: "There is no lockbox." And there never will be... Government has not, nor will it ever, run that way. And that is why the "simple solution" is a failed one...are you willing to trust the kleptocrats with your retirement? I'm not...but Paul Hackett is...
There are too many complicated solutions to fixing social security. But I have another simple and straightforward solution: Instead of stopping Social Security withdrawals at $90,000, let’s kick that number up to $150,000. I’d like to take credit for that idea but frankly investor Warren Buffit proposed this solution.
"Let's raise taxes!" is the typical liberal answer for everything. All this will do is take more money out of the economy and put in the hands of politicans in DeeCee...
I am fortunate enough to be impacted by such a change and happy to be. Worse things could happen to me in this life and frankly the bottom line is it’s not so bad to be in this position.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiight! "If it's good enough for me, it's good enough for you." Thanks, Paulie, but I'd like to make my own decisions about where my money goes. You know, freedom and all...
We’ve all made a commitment to our children and all future generations to pass on a better America to our children. Our parents kept their word to us we have an obligation to do the same. This fundamental belief is a cornerstone to the American way of life.
Our parents DIDN'T keep their word, Paul, that's the problem. Instead of making sure that Social Security was going to be there for their kids, the Boomer Generation sucked the life out of the system and ignored the problem. Afterall, 2018 is a long time off...
This commitment by my parents gave me the opportunity to enjoy the success and freedoms of this great nation. For those of us who have enjoyed such great success from this country we have a duty to uphold this commitment to our future generations of young Americans.
And the way to do that is by giving control over some of that fat cash to the People. Why is that such a dangerous concept to Democrats? The personal accounts that have been proposed are no different from what Paul would get if her were elected. They aren't much different from the 401(k)'s that we're already familiar with...

Mr. Hackett is your standard liberal. Don't be fooled by the "fiscal conservative" nonsense that you will hear about him. Tax and spend will be his motto. He wants to do that for Social Security...